Monday 28 September 2015

FYP 2 Week 4 : Booting the Raspberry Pi

OBJECTIVE : To start setting the Raspberry Pi.

METHOD : Connected to 5v power, monitor, mouse and keyboard.

RESULT : Raspberry Pi 2 booted with Raspbian OS.

CONCLUSION : The raspberry pi are functioning properly.

The first time booting the Noobs OS, the data corrupted. Need to reboot again this time using the Rasbian OS.

Monday 21 September 2015

FYP 2 Week 3 : Raspberry Pi research

OBJECTIVE : To understand more about the hardware and how to use Raspberry Pi.

METHOD : Reading the "Raspberry Pi for dummies" book, join forum and discussion on and watching related videos on youtube.

RESULT : What os to use is decided. Purchased a 2GB micro sd card to use together with the Raspberry Pi, to boot into Raspbian System.

CONCLUSION : By doing this research, I have understand much more about Raspberry Pi.

Monday 14 September 2015

FYP 2 Week 2 : Meeting with supervisor to show list of hardware

1) To show the list hardware that need to buy for further process
2) To discuss the material need to use in the project

1) show all hardware listing to supervisor that need in your FYP project.
2) show the specification of the hardware based on the project needs

1) all hardware component that need to buy is already confirm by supervisor
2) item need in the hardware setup has been minimize for the project

By completing show the hardware listing component to supervisor, basically all component need for setup the hardware is already done.

Monday 7 September 2015

FYP 2 Week 1 : FYP 2

FYP 2, semester 2/2015 starting.

OBJECTIVE : To know further info on FYP 2.

METHOD : Attending FYP 2 briefing at TTL 2.

RESULT : Know information on what the campus wanted from our FYP 2.

CONCLUSION : The meeting is done to let the students know about the new agenda in FYP 2. All the needs to complete the FYP is being brief in this meeting.