Friday 24 April 2015

Week 11 : FYP 1 Presentation

Activity : FYP 1 Presentation at Gemilang Hall.

- Present on the Development and Performance Analysis of PV-TE Hybrid Module by using Raspberry Pi .

Method :

Result : Our assessors for FYP 1 are Madam Noraziany and Sir Saharuddin. The presentation went well. Alhamdulillah.

Friday 17 April 2015

Week 10 : Preparing for FYP Presentaion

Activity : Preparing slides show for FYP 1 presentation.

- To prepare slides show.
- Show the slides to Sir Zaki.

Method :

Wednesday 8 April 2015

Week 9 : Hardware

Activity : Deciding hardware.

- To decide on the hardware to be use.

Method :
- Do some research on the internet.
- Study on the existing hardware.

Result :
The harware.

The energy source/replacing sun.

The module.

Raspberry Pi .

Conclusion : Because of the hardware are already finished, so I stick with it. The sunlight are replaced with a lamb so that the testing can be done indoor. I choose the Raspberry Pi 2, because it's the newest version, and are capable of performing better than other version of raspberry.

Wednesday 1 April 2015

Week 8 : Objectives

Activity : Find main objectives of the project.

- To decide on objectives.

Method :
- Do some research on the internet.

  • To develop a hardware of PV-TE portable  solar simulator
  • To evaluate the performance of the PV-TE  using Raspberry Pi 2
  • To see the different on efficiency of the PV panel and the PV-TE panel.